Our mouths are home to millions of bacteria. Many of them are harmless, and some are even beneficial. But some are toxic to our bodies, and the waste they leave behind can cause tooth decay, bleeding gums, and periodontal disease.
Periodontal disease is a chronic gum infection that has no cure and must be continuously managed through frequent professional cleanings and a dedicated home care routine. It is the leading cause of non-accident-related tooth and bone loss.
You may be tempted to ignore or postpone treatment for a small cavity or gingivitis. But, if left untreated, these minor issues can eventually cause pain and tooth loss and end up costing more money to fix than if the problem had been treated when it was small.
Untreated dental issues create a complex cycle of inflammation and infection that might affect more than your gums and mouth. Research continues to uncover the many ways that our oral health affects the overall health of our bodies, including arthritis, heart health, increased risk of stroke, diabetes, and even some types of cancer.
Patients that make preventive dentistry an important part of their life typically enjoy fewer dental visits and expenses over time than those who wait for emergencies to develop.
Parents know that teen years present unique challenges. When it comes to dental health, rapid changes influence adolescents moving into adulthood. Cavity activity can suddenly accelerate with more independence in food and drink habits. Concurrently, oral hygiene activity sometimes becomes inconsistent. A good partnership with our team can set your teen up for a lifetime of benefits.
Sometimes dental problems follow otherwise healthy people through life. Understanding the causes behind dental disease can eliminate the frustration that builds as teeth deteriorate. Creating a customized preventive routine can leave you looking forward to the good news at your dental visits.
Deep crevices run across the chewing surface of molars. Even though a toothbrush can skim across these surfaces, the narrow grooves trap bacteria beyond the bristles. Cavities may form and end up abscessing without warning, destroying valuable tooth structure. Protecting the grooves with a bonded sealer might be worth exploring.
Metal grins fill the pages of many high school yearbooks. But braces offer benefits at many different stages of life. Identifying problems at an early age often allows ideal timing in orthodontic treatment, resulting in a perfect outcome. Monitoring growth and development at your child's regular preventive visits is just part of our commitment to your family's dental health.
(214) 812-9756
Email: richardsontrident@gmail.com